Pain and Quality of Life

On an everyday basis, we witness patients in pain. Most come in later in their timeline of pain onset and one of the aspects that drives them to seek care is the impact of their pain on their quality of life. That one activity they absolutely love to do and pain comes in the way. Most of our patients play golf, some play tennis and some love to bake. When they have to think about the when and how of timing the activities they love to indulge in, because of the pain that sets in upon performing them, it is not invalidating to say, “Why!?” At the Northwest Suburban Pain Center, our providers are all board certified and fellowship trained to meet the expectations of their patients in the most profound manner. The goal is to ensure a better quality of life for our patients. What most patients are not aware of until they come to see a pain doctor is the fact that before contemplating surgery, there are interventional techniques to manage pain in one’s original anatomy. It can be your knee, hip, shoulder, spine, or muscle bodies. There is one more area that isagrowing part of pain management and that is regenerative medicine interventions which include platelet-rich plasma (PRP), amniotic fluid, bone marrow concentrate, adipose tissue, and much more by the day. While these procedures are not covered by health insurance, it is prudent to state that out-ofpocket pricing is very competitive today. If you want to find out if you are a candidate, please call us today for a consultation! We have seen success stories in our patients’ timelines with the clinic. In a moment of truth, pain management techniques do not cure you of the underlying condition. They only provide relief for a sustained period of time, until your body tells you it is in pain again. This is expected of the conditions that patients present with since a majority of pain conditions are irreversible except perhaps with surgery. However, the job of a pain physician is to make sure their patients can live with as little pain as possible before seriously considering surgery.
The term quality of life is inherent to our lives overall; it is how you wake up in the morning, how you are able to sleep at night, how you can twist to get that shot on the golf course, how you can bend down on your knees to help your child. It is all the aspects of your 24-hour day. It is how you would describe to someone when asked, “How’s life treating you?”. It is the goal to achieve improvement in leading a productive life, day to day, as well as in the long run.